Korzety / Skolióza

Scoliosis is a deviation of the spine in the three spatial planes. This progressive condition causes a gibbus deformity (hunchback), an asymmetrical profile (uneven shoulders), trunk imbalance, restricted trunk mobility and, in the most severe cases, limited breathing capacity.

People with scoliosis generally experience back pain on an occasional rather than permanent basis. A medical examination is necessary to diagnose this condition. It usually develops during childhood, and progresses as the child grows. Generally speaking, the condition develops slowly before puberty and then accelerates during puberty.

Wearing an orthopedic spinal orthosis, commonly known as a brace, continues to be the most common therapy, although surgery is required in some cases.


Proč si zvolit PROTEOR spinal orthosis

Společnost PROTEOR je známým specialistou na zakázkové zdravotnické prostředky pro lidský trup. Naše terapeutické metody vycházejí z více než 75 letých zkušeností a jsou poskytovány našimi kolegy ortotiky, kteří jsou odborníky na konstrukci a výrobu trupových ortéz / skoliotických korzetů.

Důkazem je nám více než 5.000 zhotovených trupových ortéz ročně

Společnost PROTEOR navrhla a připravila kolekci nápaditých dekorativních vzorů (na přenosovém papíru) pro ozdobení ortéz pro léčbu skoliózy. Atraktivním designem při výrobě trupových ortéz podporujeme přijetí ortézy mladými uživateli. Vzor si sami vyberou z našeho vzorníku. Na těchto atraktivních motivech spolupracují ilustrátoři a tetovací umělci.


Společnost PROTEOR spolupracuje s předními lékařskými odborníky, aby naši Ortotici neustále hledali a navrhovali lepší způsoby, jak šetrněji získají podklady pro výrobu a následně vyrobí trupové ortézy pro skoliózu.

Ortotici společnosti Proteor pro svou práci využívají digitální technologie speciálně vyvinuté pro odebrání měrných podkladů skenováním trupu pacientů, následnou úpravou těchto dat do požadovaných parametrů. Tyto data následně odesíláme do frézy, kde z PU bloků frézujeme modely pro výrobu trupových ortéz.

Tato technologie byla vyvinuta a je dále zdokonalována specialisty našeho vývojového oddělení.


Pomůcky pro skoliózu páteře

The scoliosis brace is a fully customized and therapeutic orthopedic device. It is molded to the body. It is designed to counter the existing deformation and allow balanced spinal growth.

Although there are different types of scoliosis brace, every brace is specifically designed and tailored to the medical prescription, weight, height and spinal column deformation of the individual user.

The recommended wearing time will vary depending on the severity of the scoliosis and the brace prescribed.

These individualized medical devices are made to comply with a medical prescription and then adjusted and fitted to the user exclusively by a particular type of qualified and accredited healthcare professional – orthotists.

To find out more about treating scoliosis using a spinal orthosis: click here

If you are a healthcare professional and would like more information about scoliosis braces, download the free Orthopocket app (Google Play ou App Store)

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The stages involved in providing a user with a scoliosis brace

Only a specialist physician, physical medicine & rehabilitation physician (PM&R), orthopedic surgeon or neurosurgeon can confirm the need for a scoliosis brace and prescribe it.

Once you have a prescription, you must make an appointment at one of our centers for orthopedics.

During the first appointment, the orthotist will take time to explain the treatment provided by the scoliosis brace and answer any questions the user and other family members might have.

The orthotist will then capture a 3D image of the user’s back to ensure an optimal brace fit. This scan takes just a few minutes and does not cause any discomfort. No radiation is involved and there are no risks. The images will then be corrected to create the therapeutic scoliosis brace.

Some models may be customized, in which case the user can select a color or decorative design for the brace (e.g. denim or carbon-fiber effect, or even hearts…). The user can select the decorative design for the brace at this stage. To help the user choose the best design, PROTEOR has developed the My Proteor Design app which lets the user experiment and find the perfect customized artwork!

Before the therapeutic scoliosis brace can be manufactured, some administrative tasks may need to be completed which may require the following documents:

  • A medical prescription detailing the specific characteristics of the equipment required
  • Proof of health insurance (e.g. the Vitale card in France)
  • X-rays

We draw up a request for authorization and complete all the other administrative formalities ready to be sent to the health insurer as soon as the user’s file is complete.

The time taken by insurers to get back to us varies (about 15 days) and may be longer for a first authorization since the user may be called in to attend a consultation about the equipment.

The scoliosis brace is made-to-measure by Proteor’s manufacturing process that embodies the group’s expertise and know-how.

The user’s 3D shape captured during the imaging appointment is corrected electronically by our orthotists using the OrtenSmartist simulation and design software for spinal orthoses, whose development was informed by the experience gained by PROTEOR. The software helps the orthotist calculate the appropriate corrective forces that the brace should apply and assists the orthotist in designing a unique product tailored to the needs of the user to ensure optimal results.

To find out more about the manufacture of spinal orthoses: click here

The manufactured brace is then fitted to the user so that it can be adjusted as required to provide the optimal level of comfort and correction. During this appointment, the orthotist will be able to answer any questions you might have.

Working with the medical team, the orthotist validates the suitability of the brace.

The orthotist will provide information about how to put on, clean and care for the brace and about the break-in period during which you will wear the device for longer periods each day. He or she will also answer any questions.

To find out more about how to put on a brace: click here

For the entire duration of the treatment, the orthotist will regularly check for any changes in body shape, growth, development of the pathology, etc. and will make any changes required to the brace.

Questions and Answers

Have a look at some frequently asked questions.